An update to the punBB poll mod I hacked together a year or so ago - frankly, something that should have been done a long time ago. This update is a major redesign, although it recycles much of the code from the 0.0.3 release. Looking back at the old code is a little embarrassing, to be honest, and it's clear that I hadn't spent any time thinking about its design. This release introduces many new features, but more importantly doesn't feel like it was programmed by a moron.
Changes include
- Code refactoring, more modular design, greater separation of mod code from punBB code
- Support for php4 removed - php5 is now a requirement
- Simplified installation procedure
- Ability to restore database if uninstalled
- Existing topics can be turned into polls
- Ability to edit, close and delete existing polls
- Poll permissions and colour scheme can be edited via the newly introduced admin console
- Ability to restrict which classes of user have permission to create polls
- n-1 polls now show approval ratings (ie percentages do not add up to 100, but results are more meaningful)
- multi-lingual support
- licence is now GPLv3, instead of LGPLv3
- Various performance improvements and bug fixes
- ('rob_poll_version' , "0.1.0")
- ( 'rob_poll_permission_level' , '1')
- ( 'rob_poll_bg_colour' , '#FFFFFF')
- ('rob_poll_bar_colour' , "#190A8F")
- ( 'rob_poll_text_colour' , "#A0A0A0")
- ('rob_poll_text_size' , "14")
- question: change Text to varchar(200)
- options: change Text to varchar(2010)
- votes: change Text to varchar(110)
The mod code and installation instructions are linked below. Thanks and acknowledgements go to Jan Odvarko, author of the jscolor script. This script is a javascript colour picker, which I have incorporated into the admin console - it is used to adjust the mod's colour scheme.